Data Protection

Name and contact details of the responsible according to article 4 / 7 DSGVO
Sanders Imagetools GmbH & Co. KG
Traunreuter Straße 16
93073 Neutraubling

Data Protection Official
Mr Fabian Ziegler-Czech
Traunreuter Straße 16
93073 Neutraubling

Security and protection of your personal data.

It is our primary task to maintain the confidentiality of the personal data provided by you and to protect them from unauthorized access. Therefore we operate with extraordinary diligence and with  up-to-date security standards, ensuring a maximum protection of your personal data.

As a private company, we are subject to the provisions of the European data protection Regulation (DSGVO) and the regulations of the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG). We have taken technical and organisational measures to ensure that the data protection regulations are observed both by us and by our external service providers.


The legislation requires that personal data will be processed lawfully, in good faith and in a manner that is comprehensible to the person concerned („legality, in good faith, transparency“). To ensure this, we inform you about the individual legal definitions that are used in this privacy policy:

Personal Data

„Personal data“ means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (hereinafter referred to as „data subject“); a natural person is regarded as identifiable identified directly or indirectly, in particular by means of assignment to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online ID, or one or more special features may be, are the expression of the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.


„Processing“ is each running process, with or without the usage of automated procedures, or each set of processes in connection with personal data as collecting, gathering, organization, mapping, storage, adaptation or change, reading, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or any other form of deployment, matching or linking, the limitation, deletion or destruction.

Restriction of Processing

„Restriction of processing“ is the mark of stored personal data with the aim to limit her future processing.


„Profiling“ is every kind of the automated processing of personal data which is meant to use these personal data to value the certain personal aspects refering to a natural person, in particular to analyse aspects with regard to efficiency, economic situation, health, personal predilections, interests, reliability, behaviour, place of residence or change of location of this natural person or to predict.


„Pseudonymization“ is the processing of personal data in a manner that the personal data without consideration of additional information any more cannot be assigned to a specific affected person, provided that this additional information is kept separately and is defeated by technical and organizational measures which guarantee that the personal data cannot be assigned to an identified or identifiable natural person.

File System

„File system“ is each structured collection of personal data which are accessible according to certain criteria, no matter whether this collection is led centrally, decentralised or after functional or geographical points of view regularly.

Responsible Person

„Responsible person“ is a natural or legal entity, authority, equipment or other place which decides alone or together with others on the purposes and means of the processing of personal data; if the purposes and means of this processing are given by the union right or the right of the member states, the person responsible or the certain criteria of his naming can be planned according to the union right or the right of the member states.

Order Processor

„Order processor“ is a natural or legal entity, authority, equipment or other place, the personal data by order of the person responsible.


„Receiver“ is a natural or legal entity, authority, equipment or other place to which personal data are disclosed, no matter whether it concerns with her a third or not. Nevertheless, the authorities who possibly receive personal data within the scope of a certain investigation order according to the union right or the right of the member states are not valid as a receiver; the processing of these data by the called authorities occurs in the harmony with the valid data protection regulations according to the purposes of the processing.

Third Person

„Third person“ is a natural or legal entity, authority, equipment or other place, except the affected person, the person responsible, the order manufacturer and the people who are authorised under the immediate responsibility of the person responsible or the order manufacturer to process the personal data.


An „approval“ of the affected person is voluntary for the certain case, in informed manner and unmistakably delivered will manifestation in the form of an explanation or an other unequivocal confirming action with which the affected person gives to understand that she agrees with the processing of the personal data concerning them.

Legality of the Processing

The processing of personal data is only lawful if a legal basis exists for the processing. According to article 6 paragraph 1 lit. a – f DSGVO a legal basis for the processing can be in particular:

  1. The affected person has given her approval of the processing of the personal data concerning them for one or several certain purposes;
  2. the processing is for the fulfilment of a contract whose party to a contract is the affected person, or for the realisation of the precontractual measures necessarily which occur on inquiry of the affected person;
  3. the processing is necessary to the fulfilment of a juridical obligation by which the person responsible is defeated;
  4. the processing is necessary to protect vital interests of the affected person or another natural person;
  5. the processing is necessary for the perception of a job which lies in the public interest or occurs in exercise of public power which was transferred to the person responsible;
  6. the processing is necessary for the protection of the legitimate interests of the person responsible or a third, provided that the interests or fundamental rights and fundamental freedoms of the affected person who require the protection of personal data do not predominate, in particular when it concerns with the affected person a child.:

Information about the elevation of personal data

(1) In the following we inform about the elevation of personal data with use of our website. Personal data are e.g. name, address, e-mail addresses, user’s behaviour.

(2) If you contact us by e-mail or via contact form the data stated by you (your e-mail address, if necessary your name and your phone number) are stored to answer your questions. We delete the data as soon as the storage is not necessary any more, or the processing will be limited, if legal safekeeping duties exist.

Elevation of personal data at visit of our website

With the basic use of the website, means if you do not register yourselves or otherwise transmit us information, we raise only the personal data which your browser transmits to our server. If you liked to look at our website, we raise the following data which are technically necessary for us to indicate you our website and to guarantee the stability and security (legal basis is a kind.   6 paragraphs   1 S.   1 lighted. and the following DSGVO):

  • IP-address
  • Data and time
  • Time difference by Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
  • Contents of the requirement (concrete side)
  • Access status / HTTP-Statuscode
  • transferred data amount
  • Website from which the requirement comes
  • Browser
  • Operating system and its surface
  • Language and version of the browser software.

Use of cookies

(1) In addition to the data named above cookies on your computer are stored with the use of our website. With cookies it concerns small text files which are stored on your hard disc to the browser used by you assigned and by which of the place which puts the cookie, certain information runs. Cookies can explain no programmes or transfer viruses on your computer. They serve to make the Internet offer all together user-friendly and actual.

(2) This website uses the following kinds of cookies whose extent and functionality are explained in the following:

Transient cookies (in addition a.)
Persistente cookies (in addition B.).

  1. Transient cookies are extinguished automatically if you close the browser. In particular the session cookies count to it. These store a so-called Session-ID with which different inquiries of your browser of the common meeting allow to assign. Your calculator can be thereby recognised if you return on our website. The session cookies are extinguished if you log off or close the browser.
  1. Persistente cookies are extinguished automatically after a given duration which can differ according to cookie. They can extinguish the cookies in the security settings of your browser any time.
  1. They can configure your browser setting according to your wishes and
     decline the acceptance of Third party cookies or all cookies. So called „Third party cookies“ are cookies which were put by a third, consequently by the real website on one just is not. We point out you to the fact that you can use, perhaps, not all functions of this website by the Deaktivierung of cookies.
  2. We use cookies to be able to identify you for subsequent visits, if you dispose of an account with us. Otherwise you would have to log in for every visit once more.
  3. The used flash cookies are grasped not by your browser, but by your Flash plug-in. Furthermore we are of use HTML5 storage objects which are filed on your terminal. These objects store the necessary data regardless of your used browser and have no automatic expiry date. If you wish no processing of the Flash cookies, you must instal a suitable Add-On, z.   B. „Better Privacy“ for Mozilla Firefox ( or the Adobe-Flash-Killer-Cookie for Google chrome. You can prevent the use of HTML5 storage objects, while you use the private mode in your browser. Besides, we recommend to extinguish regularly your cookies and the browser course by hand.

Further functions and offers of our website

(1) Beside the purely informatorischen use of our website we offer the different achievements which you can use with interest. In addition you must give as a rule other personal data which we use for the performance of the respective achievement and for which the before called principles to the data processing are valid.

(2) Partially we help ourselves for the processing of your data of external service providers. These were selected by us carefully and were instructed, are bound to our instructions and are controlled regularly.

(3) Furthermore we can transmit your personal data into three parts if action participation, lotteries, completion of the contract or similar achievements is offered by us together with partners. Moreover you receive closer information with information of your personal data or following in the description of the offer.

(4) As far as our service providers or partners have her seat in a state beyond the European Wirtschaftsraumen (EEA), we inform you about the results of this fact in the description of the offer.


(1) With your approval you can subscribe our newsletter with which we inform you about our topical interesting offers. The promoted goods and services are named in the approval explanation.

(2) For the registration for our newsletter we use the so-called. Double-Opt-in-application. That is the fact that we send you after your registration e-mail to the given e-mail address in which we ask you for confirmation that you wish the dispatch of the newsletter. If you do not confirm your registration within 24   hours, your information is closed and extinguished after one month automatically. In addition, we store in each case your used IP addresses and time of the registration and confirmation. The purpose of the procedure is to be able to clear able to prove your registration and if necessary to be able to clear up a possible abuse of your personal data.

(3) Duty information for the sending of the newsletter is only your e-mail address. The information next, separate of marked data is voluntary and is used to be able to appeal to you personally.   after your confirmation we store your e-mail address for the purpose of the sending of the newsletter. Legal basis is   kind.   6   paragraph   1   S.   1 lighted. a DSGVO.

(4) You can revoke their approval in the sending of the newsletter any time and cancel the newsletter. You can explain the cancellation by click on the link provided in every newsletter e-mail, about this form of the website, by e-mail in, about setting in the personal profile area or by news to the contact data given in the imprint.


(5) We point out you to the fact that we evaluate your user’s behaviour by dispatch of the newsletter. For this evaluation sent e-mails contain so-called Web-Beacons or Tracking pixels which show one-pixel images which are stored on our website. For the evaluations we tie together in   §   3   to called data and the Web-Beacons with your e-mail address and an individual ID. The data are raised exclusively pseudonymisiert, the IDs are not tied together with your other personal data, a direct Personenbeziehbarkeit is excluded. They can contradict this Tracking any time, while you click the separate link which is provided in every e-mail or inform us about another contact way. The information is stored as long as as you have subscribed the newsletter. After a notice of departure we store the data purely statistically and anonymously.


Our offer is directed basically at adults. People less than 18 years should transmit without approval of the parents or education beneficiary no personal data to us.

Rights of the affected person

(1) Cancellation of the approval

Provided that the processing of the personal data is based on a given approval, you have any time the right to revoke the approval. The legality is not touched by the cancellation of the approval on account of the approval up to the cancellation occurred processing.

For the cancellation you can contact us any time to us.

(2) Surely on confirmation

            you have the right to require a confirmation about from the person responsible whether we process them concerning personal data. You can require the confirmation any time under the abovementioned contact data.

(3) Information right

            Provided that personal data are processed, can require you any time information about these personal data and about the following information:

  1. Purposes of processing
  2. categories of personal data which are processed;
  3. the receivers or categories by receivers, compared with those the personal data have been disclosed or are still disclosed, in particular with receivers in third countries or at international organisations;
  4. if possible, the planned duration for which the personal data are stored, or, if this is not possible, the criteria for the definition of this duration;
  5. the existence of a right on correction or deletion of the personal data concerning you or on restriction of the processing by the person responsible or a contradiction right against this processing;
  6. the existence of a complaint right at a supervisory authority;
  7. if the personal data are not raised with the affected person, all available information above the origin of the data;
  8. the existence of an automated decision-making including Profiling according to article 22   paragraphs 1 and 4 DSGVO and – at least in these cases – expressive information about the involved logic as well as the range and the aimed effects of a such processing for the affected person.

If personal data are transmitted to a third country or to an international organisation, you have the right to be informed about the suitable guarantees according to article 46 DSGVO in connection with the transmission. We make available a copy of the personal data which are an object of the processing. For all other copies for which you apply person we can require an adequate remuneration on the basis of the administrative costs. If you put the application electronically, the information is to be made available in a current electronic format, provided that he gives nothing else. The right on preservation of a copy according to paragraph 3 may not affect the rights and freedoms of other people.

(4) Right on correction      

            you have the right to require the correction you of concerning more inaccurately personal data from us immediately. Taking into account the purposes of the processing you have to require the right, the complement more incompletely of personal data – also by means of a complementary explanation–.

(5) Right on deletion 

            you have the right to require from the person responsible that personal data are immediately deleted, and we are obliged to delete immediately personal data, provided that one of the following reasons applies:

  1. The personal data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were raised or were processed.
  2. The affected person revokes her approval on which the processing according to article 6   paragraph 1 Letter an or article 9 paragraph 2 Letter a DSGVO rested, and there is not enough an other legal basis for the processing.
  3. The affected person inserts paragraph 1 DSGVO contradiction against the processing and according to article 21 it no priority entitled reasons are given for the processing, or the affected person inserts according to article 21   paragraph 2 DSGVO contradiction against the processing.
  4. The personal data were processed illegally.
  5. The deletion of the personal data is necessary to the fulfilment of a juridical obligation according to the union right or the right of the member states by which the person responsible is defeated.
  6. The personal data were raised concerning offered services of the information society according to   article 8   paragraph 1 DSGVO.

If the person responsible has made the personal data public and he is obliged according to paragraph 1 to their deletion, he takes taking into account the available technology and the implementing costs adequate measures, also of technical kind, around for the data processing persons responsible who process the personal data to inform about the fact that an affected person of them has required the deletion of all links to these personal data or from copies or replications of these personal data.

The right on deletion („Surely on are forgotten“) does not exist, as far as the processing is necessary:

– for the exercise of the right on freedom of speech and information;

– to the fulfilment of a juridical obligation which requires the processing according to the right of the union or the member states by which the person responsible is defeated, lies, or for the perception of a job, which in the public interest or occurs in exercise of public power which was transferred to the person responsible;
for reasons of the public interest in the area of the public health according to   article 9   paragraph 2 Letter H and i as well as   article 9   paragraph 3 DSGVO;

– for archive purposes lying in the public interest, scientific or historical research purposes or for statistical purposes according to   article 89 paragraph 1 DSGVO, as far as the right called during paragraph 1 makes probably the realisation of the aims of this processing impossible or seriously interferes with, or

– for the assertion, exercise or defence of legal entitlements.

(6)   right on restriction of the processing

            you have the right to require the restriction of the processing of her personal data from us if one of the following conditions is given:

  1. the correctness of the personal data by the affected person is denied, enables namely for a duration, which to the person responsible to check the correctness of the personal data,
  2. the processing is wrongful and rejects the affected person the deletion of the personal data and requires, instead, the restriction of the use of the personal data;
  3. the person responsible the personal data for the purposes of the processing no longer required which affected person them needs, nevertheless, for the assertion, exercise or defence of legal entitlements, or
  4. the affected person contradiction against the processing according to   article 21 paragraph 1 DSGVO has inserted, as long as is not certain yet whether the entitled reasons of the person responsible predominate compared with those of the affected person.

If the processing was limited according to the abovementioned conditions, these personal data are processed – by her storage seen – only with approval of the affected person or for the assertion, exercise or defence of legal entitlements or for the protection of the rights of another natural or legal entity or for reasons of an important public interest of the union or a member state.

To assert the right on restriction of the processing, the affected person can turn any time to us under the contact data given on top.

(7) Surely on data transferability

They have the right which you to the concerning personal data which you have provided to us to receive in a structured, current and machine-readable format and you have the right, these data to another person responsible without impediment by the person responsible to whom the personal data were provided to transmit, provided that:

  1. the processing on an approval according to   article 6 paragraph 1 Letter an or   article 9   paragraph 2 Letter an or on a contract according to   article 6   paragraph 1 Letter B DSGVO is based and
  1. the processing with the help of automated procedures occurs.

By exercising the right on data transferability according to paragraph 1 you have the right to obtain that the personal data are transmitted directly by a person responsible to another person responsible, as far as this is technically feasible. The exercise of the right on data transferability makes the right on deletion („Surely on forgotten“) untouched. This right is not valid for a processing which is necessary for the perception of a job which lies in the public interest or occurs in exercise of public power which was transferred to the person responsible.

(8) Right of Objection

They have the right, for reasons of which arise from your special situation, any time against the processing you of concerning personal data which occurs on the basis of   article 6   paragraph 1 Letter e or and the following DSGVO to insert contradiction; this is also valid for a Profiling supported on these regulations. The person responsible does not process the personal data any more, unless, he can prove compelling protective-worthy reasons for the processing which the interests, rights and freedoms of the affected person outbalance, or the processing serves the assertion, exercise or defence of legal entitlements.

If personal data are processed to pursue direct advertising, They have the right to insert any time contradiction against the processing you of concerning personal data for the purpose of such advertisement; this is also valid for the Profiling, as far as it stands with such direct advertising in connection. If you contradict the processing for the purposes of the direct advertising, the personal data are not processed any more for these purposes.

In connection with the use of services of the information society the EC   your contradiction right can exercise you in spite of the   directive in 2002 / 58 / by means of automated procedures with which technical specifications are used.

They have the right, for reasons of which arise from your special situation against which you occur concerning processing you of concerning personal data, the too scientific or historical research purposes or for statistical purposes according to   article 89   paragraph 1 to insert contradiction, unless, the processing is necessary to the fulfilment of a job lying in the public interest.

You can use the contradiction right any time, while you turn to the respective person responsible.

(9) Automated decisions in particular cases including Profiling

They have the right not to be subjected exclusively on an automated processing – including Profiling – being based decision which unfolds juridical effect towards you or affects you in similar manner considerably. This is not valid, if the decision:

1. is necessary for the end or the fulfilment of a contract between the affected person and the person responsible,

  1. on the basis of regulations of the union or the member states by which the person responsible is defeated is allowed and these regulations adequate measures for the protection of the rights and freedoms as well as which to legitimate interests of the affected person contain or
  1. with explicit approval of the affected person occurs.

The person responsible takes adequate measures to protect the rights and freedoms as well as the legitimate interests of the affected person to what at least the right on achievement of the intervention of a person on the part of the person responsible, on statement of own position and on challenge of the decision belongs.

This right can exercise the affected person any time, while she turns to the respective person responsible.

(10) Right on effective judicial legal remedy

They have regardless of an available administrative-juridical or extrajudicial legal remedy including the right on complaint at a supervisory authority according to   article 77 DSGVO   the right on an effective judicial legal remedy if she takes the view that they were not injured her rights being entitled on account of this order as a result of in the harmony with this order standing processing of her personal data.

Order Processor

We help ourselves external service provider (order manufacturer), e.g., for the dispatch of goods, newsletter or payment windings up. With the service provider a separate order data processing was closed to guarantee the protection of your personal data.

We cooperate with the following third service provider

Werbeagentur Dreibein GmbH, Schuegrafstr. 5, DE-93413 ChamINVIAS GmbH & Co. KG, Schönhauser Str. 19a, DE-50968 Köln

Xtreme Secure GmbH, Sarchinger Feld 11, 93092 Barbing

LiveZilla GmbH, Ekkehardstraße 10, DE-78224 Singen

CleverReach GmbH & Co. KG, Mühlenstr. 43, DE-26180 Rastede

Thomas Gleisl & Kollegen/Steuerberatungs GbR, Roritzer Straße 27a, DE-90419 Nürnberg

DRPA v. Düsterlho Rothammer & Partner, Prüfeninger Schlosstr. 2 a, DE-93051 Regensburg

Streit + Co Internationale Spedition GmbH, Am Langwiesfeld 20 – 24, DE-93083 Obertraubling

JG Webdesign, Moserweg 3, DE-85659 Forstern