Creamy and full-bodied
Offers a rich, slightly sweet coffee flavour
Our canned latte macchiato is a great choice for companies that want to offer their customers and employees a flavourful coffee break, but at the same time represent lifestyle and urbanity. This popular coffee option is characterised by its creaminess and full-bodied flavour in addition to its slightly sweet taste. Whether in the office, at conferences or at trade fairs - a branded and customised latte macchiato as a promotional item stands for culinary delight, cosmopolitanism and wide-ranging interest!
Offers a rich, slightly sweet coffee flavour
Ideal for the office, conferences, travelling and at trade fairs
Shows open mindedness and interest
A pleasure, not just en route: particularly full-flavoured recipe with 75% milk content, lightly sweetened. Contains natural caffeine. Gluten-free, without artificial colours, flavours and artificial sweeteners.
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